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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Chitungwiza Gears Up for the 4th All-Africa So-Kyokushin Karate Tournament

AS the dawn of August 14 approaches, a palpable buzz sweeps through Chitungwiza as the Aquatic Complex stands ready, poised to transform into the grand stage for the 4th All Africa So-Kyokushin Karate Tournament.

With the clock ticking down to the awaited face-offs, Loice Chatizah, the Secretary General of Zimbabwe So-Kyokushin Karate-Do Organization, shared insights into the journey and what to expect from this year’s grand event.

“After a break due to Covid-19 restrictions in 2020, 2021, and 2022, especially in combat sports, the excitement is palpable. This upcoming tournament is the one we’ve all been waiting for,” Chatizah told EnterSportNews.

The series commenced in 2015 and had subsequent tournaments in 2016 and 2019, each charting its growth.

Highlighting the enthusiasm, Chatizah revealed, “We’ve got over 90 registered athletes coming from all over Zimbabwe and Malawi. This speaks volumes about the traction the event has garnered.”

The tournament will be organised into four categories: Men’s Open, Ladies Open, High School Girls Open (16 to 17 years), and High School Boys Open (16 to 17 years).

Chatizah enthusiastically shared some star karatekas to watch out for. Elizabeth Maguma, the shining star in the high school girls’ category, secured the top position in the UWKKO last year and clinched first place at the Japanese Ambassador Cup held earlier this year. Another notable name is Florry Chandavengerwa, celebrated for her exemplary skill and technique, maintaining a commendable position at the Japanese Ambassador Cup for two consecutive years.

In the Men’s Open, all eyes are on Simbarashe Kumba, Lewis Ian Marowero, George Mucheni and Brian Sabeta. While Tatenda Kambarami’s remarkable first-place victory in the Ladies Open at December 2022’s Ashihara tournament is still fresh, Simbarashe Khumba has had a spectacular year.

“Our expectations are sky-high! We have rising stars and seasoned veterans, experienced karatekas from various groups, all ready to prove themselves on this grand stage,” Chatizah continued.

“We aim to showcase the dedication, tenacity, and skill of karate practitioners from all corners.”

“The energy is predicted to be electric, with an atmosphere fueled by supporters, families, and friends, all passionately cheering for their favourite competitors. We’re on course to create an unforgettable experience for everyone involved.”

Chatizah also took a moment to appreciate the event’s support system: “Garnering sponsorships can be challenging, but thanks to spirited individuals and private organisations, our event is set to be a resounding success.”

Competitors are vying for titles and a structured prize system that ranks from the best to the fourth place in each category. Additionally, a spirited fighter category will see competitors win medals, certificates, and trophies.

As the sun sets on the eve of the tournament, Chitungwiza awaits a day of thrilling encounters, determination, and the spirit of Karate shining through.

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